International Stewardship Forum 2018 – Sydney Outcomes
Highlights from the GlobalPSC’s International Stewardship Forum, including recommendations to the Australian Government for improvements to the Product Stewardship Act 2011, are now available in the Forum’s Issues and Options Paper.
The International Stewardship Forum was held in Sydney from 4-6 April 2018. With over 130 participants and 13 international speakers, the Forum provided a unique opportunity for participants to gather practical insights from product stewardship and extended producer responsibility (EPR) programs across a broad range of products and substances.
The Forum was designed to maximise discussion and interaction between local and international representatives. It involved:
- two days of presentations and panel discussions.
- a final day of discussions with select stakeholders to reflect upon the Forum presentations, identify key insights, and help map out a way forward for product stewardship in Australia. These discussions followed a modified Chatham House Rule to encourage openness and information sharing.
The Forum was designed and structured to help inform the Australian Government’s 2018 review of the Product Stewardship Act 2011 (the Act).
The paper provides an overview of some of the issues, ideas and solutions that were raised by participants over the three days. It is structured in two sections:
- high level insights into the design and implementation of effective product stewardship policies and programs
- the implications of these insights for Australian policy, including the current review of the Act.
Download the Forum’s Issues and Options Paper here.