GlobalPSC News – June 2018
International Stewardship Forum Outcomes
Highlights from the GlobalPSC’s International Stewardship Forum, including recommendations to the Australian Government for improvements to the Product Stewardship Act 2011, are now available in the Forum’s Issues and Options Paper.
The International Stewardship Forum was held in Sydney from 4-6 April 2018. With over 130 participants and 13 international speakers, the Forum provided a unique opportunity for participants to gather practical insights from product stewardship and extended producer responsibility (EPR) programs across a broad range of products and substances.
For more information, click here.
Approaching Deadline for EPR Reporting in Chile
Under the provisions of the second transitory article of Law No 20,920, producers of certain priority products are obligation to report information to the Chilean Ministry of Environment. The submission date for products placed on the market last year is 31 August, under the Exempt Resolution No. 0409/2018 of the MMA.
The obligation applies to producers of the following products: lubricating oils, electrical and electronic devices, batteries (split by weight), packaging, tyres, and newspapers and magazines. You are considered a producer of a priority product if you sell one of the obligated products for the first time in the market; dispose of priority products acquired from a third party that is not the first distributor; or import priority products for your own professional use. Furthermore, in the case of packaging, a producer is the person who introduces the packaging or packaged consumer goods into the market.
For more information, click here.
Australian Senate Recommends Stronger Product Stewardship
An Australian Senate inquiry into waste and recycling has recommended shifting from Australia’s traditional preference for voluntary product stewardship to greater introduction of mandatory schemes.
The inquiry’s final report contained a number of recommendations specific to product stewardship, including:
- prioritising the establishment of a circular economy.
- a national container deposit scheme.
- making Australia’s product stewardship schemes under the Product Stewardship Act 2011 mandatory.
- mandatory schemes for tyres, mattresses, e-waste and photovoltaic panels.
- re-establishment of the Product Stewardship Advisory Group.
- a phase-out of petroleum-based single-use plastics by 2023.
For more information, click here.
Earlier this year, the Secretary of State for the Environment in the UK, Michael Gove, announced a reform of the current Packaging Recovery Note (PRN) system based on a consultation taking place later this year. Following this, there has been a lot of talk about modulated fees, which are already in place in the French and Italian packaging compliance schemes, CONAI and Citeo. Modulated fees are those which vary with the eco-design of the packaging, for example, a lower fee is charged for plastic that is easily recyclable and a higher fee is charged for plastic that is not widely recyclable.
For more information, click here.
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Improved Circular Economy and Climate Action in the Land and Primary Industries Sectors
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New GlobalPSC Member – Foundation for Ethical Recycling of Industrial Scrap
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Annual General Meeting and Call for Office-holders and other Executive Committee Positions